Sunday, September 9, 2012

Danny & Linda

It was our good friends Danny and Linda's wedding last week.  The venue took place in Laguna Beach at 7 Degrees. 

The ceremony was beautiful.  I had to admit, my eyes filled with tears as they recited their vows.  I also noticed some of the men in the crowd were sniffling and wiping what looked like water trails on their faces.  The guy next to me said "there is something in my eyes".  Sure buddy, sure.

Here were a few great moment shots I took of them walking down the aisle.  Linda looked absolutely gorgeous!  

All the aisle sitters (including me!) got a cone full of petals to throw.  I love this picture!

Here is my hubby with the maid of honor.  He was so honored that Danny had asked him to be a groomsmen =)

Linda and her mama in a beautiful traditional Vietnamese gown.

We got to sit at the head table with the bride and groom.  Their cake was from King Hawaiian in Torrance. 

This was so much fun.  I have never seen this before. Everyone lined up outside and got a sort of firework stick lighted and waved it as the the newly weds walked out and got into their Prius and drove off.  Such a cool idea!  They called it the "Sparkler Exit".  Fun idea for those current brides out there!

Off the two went to their honeymoon in Croatia and Turkey.  Congratulations you two!!!

First Recipe! Braised Pork Spare Ribs

Although I'm not a big pork fan, this dish makes me forget about my thoughts of piggies and slaughter houses.  Sorry vegetarians.  

This dish is super simple to whip up.  Here is my version of Braised Pork Spare Ribs (also called suong ram).  This was a perfect amount for me and my hubby to share.

I use approx. 1.5 lbs of spareribs. Cut between each bone to get cubes.  Wash and dry them.

Put a 1/2 tsp. of oil in the wok and brown each side for about 2 minutes or so.

Here's the sauce.  1/2 cup soy sauce, 1/4 cup rice wine, couple dashes of pepper flakes, 2 cloves of minced garlic, a slice of ginger minced finely and 2 tbsp honey (my mom uses brown sugar but any will work).  I just put everything together for efficiency.

Pour the sauce into the wok, stir a little bit and close the lid.

10 minutes later ....stir a little more and let it simmer.  Now go cook some rice.

After about 30 minutes - y.u.m.m.y. Just smell it!

Whala! You have brased pork spareribs.

Put this bad boy over rice and you probably won't share it with your hubby because you've eaten it all!